Sunday, July 5, 2009

Jump Offs

Recently, Steve McNair was shot in the head in a supposed murder suicide. His jump off was a 20 year old chick that probably caught feelings and such. Now, I am not saying that what he did was right. Most big time players with big time loot try to get big time pussy. If your used to getting pussy all your life, then having more than one woman even if your married is not a stretch. I would say that if your married you should stay married. But if you must have a mistress then I would do it in this manner:

1. Get an older woman. No young women at all, none.

2. Older women know more about the world, have more experience. This is important because you can actually TALK to them. Therefore, this makes them easier to be around for more than sex.

3. They are better women than younger ones. Once their beauty fades a bit, they become better at other aspects to remain attractive to men. They can cook better, know more, heal you when your sick, ect.

4. Their kids are grown or should be grown at that point. Which means you have access to her whenever you two want it.

5. They are discrete. This is huge. Because of their experience they know the ball from the bounce. They know your married and likely do not care. However, they do not want their business out there as they want to keep you to themselves in a way. So, they keep their mouth shut. Having an affair with an older woman is easier because they know what its all about and know hot to get away with it.

6. The pussy is still good. If you take a younger woman and an older woman and banged them in the dark, you would not know which was which if all things are normal and equal. Even if they are not as tight as a younger woman, they can still give up the pussy well.

7. Banging an older woman does not hurt confidence like banging a younger woman or god forbid a virgin.

8. Most older women simply want sex. In fact, it maybe BETTER if your married. Because they get the dick without complication from you. They do not have to put up with the bull crap of a relationship, just sex and they get to cum.

9. They are very good at being women, trust me!


  1. You try this method and you'll have a bullet in the head too.

    Women are women--old or young.

    There are young women who dont mind being the jump off and their are old women that become fixated.

  2. On average though older women are better for this type of thing.

  3. i completely agree with jenell...women are women and if you think because shes older you have a better chance at cheating is crazy johnny...stay true to who you marry and older women wouldnt be an option at all....
